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control scan中文是什么意思

用"control scan"造句"control scan"怎么读"control scan" in a sentence


  • 对照扫描


  • We have designed the scanning and control system , which includes a pre - amplifier , a pid feedback and scanning - control circuit , high - voltage amplifiers and so on . the function of controlling scan and feedback has been realized
    设计完成包含有前置放大电路、 pid反馈和扫描控制电路、高压放大电路等扫描控制电路在内的扫描控制系统,完成各部分电路性能的测试及功能调试,实现反馈和扫描控制。
  • Secondly , the implementation of each module of the software is discussed in detail . main content of this part includes the inplementation of the massive image data high - speed transferring from scanner to host by use of a large capacity fifo and a 32bit high - speed pci card , how to control the step motor for precise location of the cis image sensors , the techniques for utilizing the lm9830 to control scanning actions based on the cis ' s characteristics , the real time image data collection , the reconstruction of the image data sampled by the z - shape combined cis sensors , and the parallel and pipeline techniques used in the whole process helping to save time
    然后详细讨论了扫描仪底层驱动软件中各个功能模块所解决的问题和具体实现方法,具体介绍的内容包括:如何利用大容量fifo和高速32位pci接口卡实现大量图像数据的高速传输功能,如何对步进电机进行控制实现图像传感器的精确定位功能,如何针对cis传感器的具体特性应用lm9830芯片控制cis的扫描动作,如何实时的采集图像数据,如何对“ z ”型拼接传感器扫描出的图像进行重构以及如何应用并行和流水技术对整个扫描过程进行控制以提高扫描速度。
  • As the vital development of the millimeter wave guidance technology , phased array antennas use electrical control scanning beam , which results to faster scanning velocity , more flexible beam control and higher anti - interference ability . thus it can realize target seeking , tracing , guidance at the same time , and can work in the complex and worsening condition
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